Bungai majiru jutsuwaza
Mixed tecniques, no weapons from standing (dai)
1. Junzuki chudan (*r)
a) Nagashi gaiwanuke (low left outside block) + pressure to op. arm + kotegaeshi +
turn op. to his belly + henkan gatame.
b) Naiwanuke (low right inside block, nori) + haito + ude gatame + kotogaeshi
(push to op. head with left hand) + ude garami/kotegatame.
2. Grab hand (**r/l)
a) (crosswise). Shihonage + take op. down to the floor + shihonage gatame.
b) (same side). Shihonage + shihonage gatame (standing).
c) (same side). Ura shihonage + change grip + other hand
on op. back + keep head low.
3. Grab hand crosswise (r/l)
a) Kotehineri + wakigatame + kotegaeshi + kotogaeshi gatame (standing).
b) Kotohineri (mae), one hand grip + shuto/push head down and lead the
other hand behind op. back to henkan + kaiten nage-position + swith grip +
turn op. to mae + kotemawashi.
4. Two-hand-grip (from yoi)
a) Expand/open/unbow + koshinage + ude hizige hizagatame (standing).
b) Mawashiuke + take back + hadaka jime.
c) Kotogaeshi (grab under) + kotogaeshi gatame.
5. Junzuki jodan (r)
a) Step in (r) + left haishuuke (grab hand) + right tate empi to jaw
+ right empi utside elbow +
change grip + shihonage + ude garami + shihonage gatame + atemi.
b) As above - Kaeshi, shihonage (one step back) + kotogaeshi gatame.
6. a) Op. right junzuki shudan Tenchi nage (att the same time as the attack) +
hiji/hizagatame (standing).
b) Op. gyakuzuki jodan. Dubbel block (like first mov. in Chinto) + step under
kotehineri + pull op. body forward + tenchi nage as in a) + gyaku juji jime
(left hand) + ude hisigi gatame (right arm).
c) Op. right ura mawashizuki jodan (backhand punch). Right pos. sori,
Op. right junzuki jodan. Left sukiuuke/right ipponken +
udeosae + kotemawashi (lock against your hip).
7. a) Op. right junzuki chudan. Shutouchi + grab arm + step to the outside and
direct arm out + turn and hit under op. arm, udeuchi + step under arm +
kotogaeshi on your left knee + change position and kick mae to op. neck +
kotegaeshi gatame.
b) Op. two stabs from above (or tettsui jodan). Stab 1 (r) . Jodanuke and step under
attacking arm at the same time. Stab 2 (r). Gyaku jodan uke (l) + ipponken +
kotehineri (parallel to op. and holding with left hand) + otoshi/drop op. hand
to the floor + op. rolls out.
c) Op. grab crosswise. Grab with your other hand + kuzure / ushiro kote-
mawashi + step in front of op. + kotegatame. Op. strikes with the other hand.
Block and grab op. both arms + nagewaza + ude hizigi hiza gatame (standing).
8. a) Op. stabs from above. Jodanuke (l) + gyakuzuki (r) kotemawashi +
udeosae + kotegaeshi + maegeri + grab under arm + step on the outside +
kote hiji otoshi nage + kotogaeshi gatame.
b) Op. grab crosswise. Kotogaeshi (open-grab-turn) + press with your elbow +
down on right knee + keep pressure to op. hand to the floor with your right
hand + push away op. head with left hand.
9. a) Op. right gyakuzuki jodan. Gaiwan hashiuke (r) + urazuki (l) + kotehineri
Op. grab your gi crosswise with left hand. Kotemawashi by taking hold
of your own gi (double kansetzu kotehineri / kotemawashi).
b) Op. grab crosswise. Shihonage. Op gets out by turning. Pull and step in to
koshinage + gyaku kubi hisigi (rev. guillotine) + kuzushi op. to the floor +
gyaku juji jime + ude gatame over your knee.
10. a) Op. junzuki chudan. Otoshiuke (r) + grab hand with your left + haito jodan +
kotogaeshi (attemt). The op. responds by pulling the arm to the body and +
spins counterclockwise and try to hit (uchiro ura mawashizuki).
Def. catch left strike-hand + ude henkan gatame (variation) + keep tension in
kotegaeshi and pressure head in to op. back.
b) Op. junzuki chudan. Gaiwan haito (r) (pinan nidan) + step in with left leg +
kumade on both sides of the op. body (first to chudan then to jodan) + right
hand on op. throat. Op. protects his throat with his right arm.
Grab op. wrist with your left hand + other hand behind op. neck + jime.
* r=right, l=left (only positions) ** r/l=Dosen´t matter right or left (only positions)