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1 dan

Kihon waza

• Kizamizuki (ayumi ashi (AA) - one step 

• Kizamizuki (yori ashi (YA) - slide with same leg front) 

• Gyakuzuki  (AA)

• Gyakuzuki  (YA)

• Nagashizuki (YA from shisentai)

• Haito (AA)

• Maegeri (back leg kick (BL)

• Mawashigeri (BL)

• Ushirogeri (BL)

• Ura mawashigeri (BL)


Renraku waza

• One step, three punches. Kizamizuki (YA) + Gyakuzuki (TK) + Kizamizuki (YA)

• Surikomi maegeri (just knee up, as a feint) + Kizamizuki (AA) + Gyakuzuki (TK). 


Nage waza Kata

Ko uchi makikomi*

Soto makikomi*

Tai otoshi

Yoko wakare*

Ippon seoi nage

Uchi mata

Harai makikomi

Sasae suri komi ashi

Obi otoshi

Ura nage*

Tomoe nage*

(*Sutemi waza)


Majiru waza

2a, 2b, 2c (two hand grip)

3a, 3b (kote hineri)


Kumite kata

1. Tori (L): Body feint

    Uke (R): Gyakuzuki (YA)

    Tori: Front arm use uke (move out of seichusen) + grab and pull with right arm +

    take back + saki wakare


2. Uke (R): Kizamizuki (YA) + Mawashigeri (BL)

    Tori (R): Grab leg + uchi mata + ashi gatame (leg lock)


3. Tori (L): Ashi barai (right foot)

    Uke (L): Lift leg up + O soto otoshi (RL)

    Tori: Soto makikomi


Shime waza

Two random (out of eleven) shine waza techniques: Named on examination day.

Gyaku juji jime (reverse cross choke), Nami juji jime (normal cross choke),

Kata juji jime (half cross choke), Hadaka jime (rear naked choke), 

Kata ha jime (single wing choke), Kata te jime (one hand choke),

Okuri eri jime (sliding lapel choke), Ryo te jime (two handed choke),

Sankaku jime (triangle choke), Sode guruma jime (sleev wheel choke),

Tsukomi jime (trust choke)


Ne waza

Top passes the locked guard all the way to kata gatame.

Bottom guard applies juju gatame (Luke pulls arm out) + sankaku jime + 

ashi sankaku garami (omo plata + rotate uke to yoko shiho gatame.


3 optional kumite kata techniques

Criteria: All three katas (one by one) must have attack (punches, kicks or throws),

ne waza and submissions.

One of them must also contain a counter attack.




2 min. Karate

2 min. Judo

2 min. Ne waza

Information regarding 2nd dan

On the second dan, you should have traind all the previous kyu kihon, first dan kihon, renraku, kaeshi waza and katas.

At this level, it is important to have an idea of what BUDO means.



A good understand the concept of working: cross wise - dragon step - spiraling - pulling silk and the meaning of ying & yang


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